Taiwan star Chang Chen plays an ambiguous kung fu expert named Razor, who appears in just three short scenes in 'The Grandmaster.' Critics and audiences have debated the character's brief appearance and purpose in the story. 台湾明星张震在《一代宗师》中饰演功夫高手一线天,这个角色模糊不清,在影片中只有三场戏。评论家和观众也就一线天的短暂亮相与他出现在故事中的作用展开了争论。
Charles Chan believed that learning kung fu would help build Jackie's character, and teach him patience, strength, and courage. 陈爸爸一直坚信学习功夫会对塑造成龙的性格有相当大的帮助,习武能教会他容忍、坚强和勇敢。
Also implies that's still hang red lanterns and paste "fu" character and mammon like etc. 同样寓意的事情还有挂大红灯笼和贴“福”字及财神像等。
Liu Fu on that, and now made anime, a lot of character is an animal, more suitable for kids to watch. 柳拂月觉得,现在的国产动漫作品,很多角色是动物,比较适合小孩看。
Sometimes in front of the table displays the cursive script of Mi Fu, while in the head emerges Japanese Haiku, but what finally written down is just a single character or even none character. 有时案前视线中放一本米芾的字帖,脑中浮想的是日本的俳句,写下的却是独字或无字了。
In the Qing Dynasty, Yan Fu established a three character standard in translation: faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, which are similar to "Triness" by Herbert Rotheinstein. 清朝时候,严复创立了一个翻译的“三字尺度”:信,达,雅。这和赫伯特·罗森斯坦提出的“Triness”原则有异曲同工之妙。
Fu Qinghua work diligently, work conscientiously, the party faithful honest, forthright mind, character Zhishuang. 傅清华工作勤勤恳恳、兢兢业业,对党忠诚老实,胸怀坦荡,性格直爽。
Therefore, putting the "Fu" character up side down is used as a metaphor, showing the arrival of promising spring and auspicious prosperity. 因此,倒贴张奀宁“福”字象征着春天和繁华昌盛张奀宁到来。
The double images of the eagle deeply reflect the internal contradiction of Du Fu's character. 雕意象的二重性深刻地体现了杜甫人格的内在矛盾。
The application of traditional elements, such as dragon and phoenix patterns, Wanshou map, Fu character, etc., this area has done a lot of graphic design attempts. 传统的元素,如龙,凤图案,万寿图,福字等,应用,这方面做了大量图形设计的尝试。
From visual angle of simultaneity, music Fu incarnates cosmic character and ethical meaning of traditional music culture; 从共时性的视角来看,音乐赋体现了传统音乐文化的宇宙品格和伦理内蕴;
Fu Shan's Individual Character and the Theme Tendency of His Poems 傅山的个性与其诗歌的主题取向
The author holds that Yan Fu's deep love for and his carrying forward Chinese calligraphy stood out his deep learning and noble character as a patriotic intellectual. 作者认为酷爱中国书法和弘扬中国书法艺术突现了严复作为热诚的爱国主义知识分子的深厚学养和人格风范。
This paper, through a probe into the poetry on diet by Du Fu in his later years in Sichuan, takes up a discussion on Du Fu's personality and character along with natural geography, humanities and customs, Sichuan foods, cooking techniques and catering culture. 通过对杜甫晚年居蜀饮食诗的探究,认识杜甫的人格与风格以及四川的天然地理、人文风情、川菜食材、烹调方法与饮食文化的关系。
It not only can reinforce clothing colour character and culture connotation, fu in clothing unique character charm. 这样做不仅可以强化服装的色彩性格和文化内涵,赋于服装独特的性格魅力。
Cui Fu Jun, known as Cui judge, he was a fabled character in China ancient times. 崔府君,又名崔判官,是中国古代传说中的一位神化人物。